Friday, 23 December 2016

Christmas Nostalgia - Mums wine HQ

Thanks to the lovely Kate at for the tag in the Christmas nostalgia questions. As there are only now 2 sleeps to go i can quietly say yes i think i am done and can now sit back and breathe and enjoy these last two days, so as my last post before Xmas i think is quite fitting to sitting and reminiscing. So here goes

What is your favourite Christmas movie? -
Oh has to be the snowman - its one we have watched with the kids every Christmas eve and they are still enthralled by it, it ha a magical entrancing feel to it yet simply beautiful.
Another favourite is the polar express never to be missed and loved by the kids.

Have you ever had a white Christmas? -
Not for many years, my last memory of snow at Christmas day was walking on the beach on Christmas day, bright blue skies after snowfall, the beach was white which was an amazing sight. Didn't last long though!! more recent memory was snow on new years day in 2009

This was new years day 2009

Where do you usually spend the holiday?-
In past years it has always been split between parents, we both have seperated parents so it really is a turkey run!!
Since the children came along though we now spend the day at home for the kids to have their presents and enjoy them, we just try to fit all the family visits around it! It is lovely to see family but the most important thing now is the kids

What is your favourite Christmas song? -
I am a big 80s girl so it has to be wham's last Christmas, i do love a bit of Mariah too, Have had many a tuneful car journeys making 3hr round trips to do Christmas shopping belting out these songs.

Do you open any presents Christmas eve? -
We have at times allowed the children to open presents when visiting grandparents in our pre Xmas get togethers, having two large families this means lots of presents so it has never been a problem to open in advance, the grandparents enjoy the moment and it spreads the pile of presents out. We day Santa brings one present they ask for and family the rest so they accept these presents with gratitude - in my ideal mind!

Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? -
Obviously Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer and Vixen, Comet, Cupid,  Donner and Blitzen, haha can you tell the song in my head

What holiday traditions are you looking forward to this year? -
I always love Christmas dinner, home cooked with all the trimmings, eating out never appeals to me i love the whole family day tradition of being home on Christmas day, especially with the kids, no shops, no visiting, just us.

Is your Christmas tree real or fake? -
Fake- its a fibre optic i have had for about 10 years, i have never seen another i like as much, it is pre decorated with gold ribbons and gold poinsettias,  and pine cones. I have a smaller tree for the kids to decorate.

What is your all time favourite sweet/ treat/ food?-
Ooh hard one, i am such a food lover i love it all!!! Hmm ok i love the homemade pickled onions my family get from the neighbours when we visit, i could eat jars at a time...probably not the most popular choice but that's mine, sure to keep the other half at bay when had a few too many festive spirits and tries his luck ha. I also must say my Xmas cake, lovingly made and fed for weeks

Be honest, do you like giving or receiving gifts best? -
Certainly before children it was receiving, although i loved the shopping and wrapping when it only involved family presents, now there are kids presents too its slightly more stressful.
Now it has to be giving seeing the joy in the kids faces as they open their presents is priceless. More than makes up for the shopping stress.

What is the best Christmas present you have received? -
 it has to be (and this sounds so soppy but true) some of the handmade gifts the kids make or have picked out for mummy, just the effort made for them to think about what would make me happy, usually they can be really practical so a bonus!!

What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season? -
A log cabin on a snowy mountain, big enough for all the family to get together in one place, real log fires roaring, lots of good food and plenty of alcohol to keep us going, perfect.

Are you a pro present wrapper or fail miserably? - 
Pre children they were perfect with bows and ribbons, all colour coordinated and pretty..... Now they are get it how it comes i am afraid, my time to wrap is restricted so its done in a hurry when kids are not around.

Most memorable Christmas moment?
For me the first Xmas morning as a family, although eldest was only 3 months old, it was a Xmas that felt complete, and gave a purpose to Xmas again, those years of early adulthood leave you in limbo, too old to be an excited child but not grown up enough to be organising Xmas, so once a family comes along it has a purpose again.

What made you realise the truth about Santa?
I really do not know, i remember leaving things out as markers to check if he really came or not. like mark how wide the door is left open, if things had been moved, but i can't remember the moment i realised.

What makes the holidays special for you?
The Children!! Simple, the joy and excitement is magical ooh and a drink or two haha

Busy colouring their north pole map

Merry Christmas all, Xmas starts here

so there are my answers i am tagging