Saturday, 31 December 2016

New year reflection and goals for 2017 Tag post

So here we are the end of another year and what an incredible year good and bad, we have lost some truly amazing people this year both in the public eye and on a personal level, yet have made some amazing memories that will last forever. Here is reflecting on past and looking to the coming year thank you to Jacqui for the tag, here goes

What was your highlight of 2016?

Starting and growing my blog, hopefully to a point to give me flexibility with work in the coming year. something i did not think or even consider as we started 2016 but with some great help and support it is developing

Name one thing you are likely to remember about 2016 if asked in five years time?

The loss of a truly beautiful soul and friend, will take memories of our many escapades and adventures forward though, 2016 has been pretty brutal on the celebrities too. 

Sum up 2016 in one word.


Name one pearl of wisdom from 2016 that you will carry through 2017.

Live for the moment and those that choose to be in your life, time is too precious to be trying to please everyone

Do you have any new year resolutions?

Enjoy every moment with the kids and make as many memories as we can while they grow

How are you seeing in the new year?

At home, will have early celebrations with the kids then probably sleeping by midnight, Daddy working so just the three of us unless he gets home before midnight then may crack open the champers

What would you most like to do in 2017?

Travel with the kids, enjoy being with family and friends and make lasting memories

What are your main goals for 2017?

Develop my blog and social networks, start to make money from my blog and building a different path for future work hopefully

That's me so now to you 

Happy New Year All