Thursday, 20 July 2017

Making A Fun Family Day Out As Frugal As Possible

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Summer is here and that means parentally-owned wallets, purses and savings accounts are starting to quiver more than an autumn leaf. Oh, we love summer more than any other time of the year. The long, warm days, the chance for our kids to play outside and the possibility to go on an adventure and have everything go to plan, including the weather. The only real downer on proceedings is the cost.

The school summer holidays are money draining machines, where each day our kids want to be entertained in a new and stimulating way. That is why we have been desperately seeking ways in which we can be more money savvy and yet, somehow, more fun. What’s more, we were successful in our search, as you are about to find out:

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Life Is About Timing

If there is a certain place or few places (or three dozen places) your kids want to visit, then the best weapon in your money-saving arsenal is time. Go onto the websites of each attraction and see what the cheapest times to visit are, or whether they offer a reduced rate for booking plenty of time in advance.

Travel Hacks

One of the biggest stings we can suffer is travel. Just getting to a place costs money and that can mean even a free day at the beach can cost more than we anticipated. That’s why it’s time to smarten up. Use Ridester to get promotional codes that actually work for both Lyft and Uber, or sign up for a railcard that offers up to 60% off for those traveling as a family. The upfront cost is usually made back in one trip.

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Pack A Picnic

Another hidden cost of any day out is food and snacks and drinks. You manage to save a hefty chunk of change by using a discount code for an amusement park only to remortgage your house in order to buy two coffees, three milkshakes, and an ice cream. However, you can avoid this heartache with a simple picnic. What’s more, you can pack their favorite snacks to ensure you avoid any grunts and complaints.

Eye Out For Freebies

Don’t listen to what anyone says about freebies no longer existing. They do, they are just hard to spot these days, like stick insects. Museums, parks, galleries, beaches; all of these provide a great day out at zero cost. It is just up to you and your kids to make it as enjoyable as possible, which just requires a little creative thinking and some forethought.

Travel As A Pack

Hefty discounts are on offer when you travel as a pack. Yeah, your stress levels may go up slightly when you have a mob of kids to look after, but that quickly subsides when you realize you’ve just saved 30% because there are ten of you. 30%. You can get a new kitchen with that change, or at least a new washing up bowl. So just pop online ahead before you book, see what constitutes a group to make a saving and run with it.