Friday, 21 July 2017

Sylvanian family Starry Point lighthouse Review

If you have read some of my previous posts you will know my youngest is a massive Sylvanian family fan since being given the hotel as a toddler, we were lucky enough to review some more products over the last few months so were over the moon to be asked to add the Starry Point lighthouse to our collection.

The Starry Point Lighthouse is just fabulous it includes a lodge with quirky seashell stairs, a pirate ship bed, and a lighthouse with the extra surprise of projecting stars or a fabulous firework display onto your ceiling as night falls, it retails at £59.99 and would be a fabulous addition to any Sylvanian collection or even as an introduction to the classic range.

I was really impressed with the size and quality of the lighthouse, it felt sturdy and well made, and taking into consideration the price it was a reasonable size, on many occasion in the past I have spent a similar amount on a toy to find it is flimsy and rather small, so I would be happy with the price for this toy.

It goes without saying the youngest loved it, and once she discovered it was a projector too she couldn't wait for bedtime to come to test it out. It really added an additional element to our collection and allowed her to expand her imaginary play and use new ideas and roles within her set up. As with all Sylvanian family toys it is a great way to explore. The projector is a really great idea and adds to the toy making it multi-functional, for us it made a great calming, wind down addition to bedtime by having the lights out and looking at the starts projected onto the ceiling she really relaxed and let her imagination come to life thinking up sea stories.

Again another piece of the Sylvanian collection that will be used for many years to come I am sure.