Friday, 23 December 2022

Preventing Mould From Recurring In Your Bathroom

Completing a bathroom renovation can be heavily undermined if you find that mould is becoming a problem you have to deal with all too frequently. Aside from being unsightly, it’s a genuine health risk, leading to and exacerbating respiratory health conditions. Here, we’re going to look at a few tips you can use to stop mould from spreading in your bathroom.

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Extraction is vital

The first step that you should take is to make sure that you have an exhaust or extractor fan in the bathroom that works to take out the steam and water vapour that can build up in the bathroom. Aside from investing in a quality fan that’s able to provide the suction power that you need, you should make sure that it’s placed well, as well. Directly above the shower or the place that generates the most steam and vapour is recommended.

Assist your ventilation as best as you can

Aside from an extractor fan, you can make sure that your bathroom is well-ventilated by leaving the door and window open as much as you can, especially after using the bath or shower. You can also find dehumidifiers that are designed specifically for the bathroom, as well as disposal containers of damp control crystals to suck the moisture out of the air.

Make sure you wash your soft furnishings

If you’re using soft furnishings, such as rugs, throws, or even curtains in your bathroom, then you have to make sure that you choose them well and wash them often. You should look for options, such as synthetic fabrics, that are mold and mildew-resistant. Be sure to wash them frequently, as well. If the mould gets into the fabric, it can be impossible to remove, forcing you to have to destroy the affected items instead.

Seal the area well

Mould can start to spread when it gets past surfaces like your tiles and flooring to start affecting the materials beneath. You can use products like RIW toughseal to ensure that you have a resilient and airtight floor. As for your walls, you can either seal the tiles individually or opt for a wall choice that doesn’t provide the gaps needed for moisture to get in between them, such as panelling.

Mind your ceiling

Since moisture and heat both rise, the ceiling can catch a lot of it. This is why, in many bathrooms, mould problems tend to start from above. You might need to wash your ceiling of mould a little more regularly, but you can also use products such as mould-resistant paint to give an extra layer of protection to the ceiling. However, pay close attention as if the ceiling is starting to peel or sag, the damage might be done and you may need repair and replacement, instead.

If you do spot mould in your bathroom, then the first thing you want to do is tackle it directly, cleaning it away and, if necessary, repairing any damage caused. Beyond that, you want to ensure that you get to the source so that it doesn’t keep rearing its ugly head.