Sunday 6 November 2016

We all need a weekend spent in pyjamas

This weekend the other half and eldest went off for a boys weekend to Cardiff to watch the rugby.. We will not mention the game!!!

After such a hectic half term i decided i would stay home and have a chilled weekend with the youngest.. Although hardly quiet it has been chilled, with only a couple of diva strops thrown in.

Fri eve started with a school friends birthday party (how we love kids parties!!) followed by movie night in bed....ahh heaven so we were in pyjamas tucked up watching Pocahontas by 6.30pm. Lots of lovely snacks...yes the diet can wait another week!!

Because the idea of co sleeping was truly frowned upon and honestly left too scared to try it by all the horror stories your told of what could happen, i have always been each to own bed so its a treat for the kids now when they do get to sleep with mummy...not such a treat for mum with an octopus for a bed can something so little take up so much space!!!
Lovely to have the snuggles though as surely the time they don't want my snuggles will be here before we know it.

We spent a lazy Saturday morning  watching beauty and the beast followed by bubbly bubble baths and then decided to have an afternoon baking..chocolate cakes and start the Xmas cake, yummy.
We made a visit to our local weigh out shop which meant all ingredients could be weighed out and just enough for what we need was bought, a much cheaper option and much less hassle when get home as all weighed out ready, back home back into pyjamas!!!

Today is starting the same movie and breakfast in bed then pottering making some meals for the week, to save the teatime stress and rush with the hectic week ahead.....we have parents evening this week which could be fun as the youngest will tell us how proud of herself she is as managed a whole day without getting told off at school!!!! Hmm is this a regular occurrence then??

Apart from a trip to the shop we have succeeded in spending the whole weekend in our pyjamas...heaven... A much needed break from the constant demands of family life.. And dare i say much more peaceful without the boys who as anyone who knows us will tell you can talk for Britain!!!

We will be glad to see them though..prob just in time for dinner being served!!