Wednesday, 18 January 2017

A guide to post Christmas budgeting

Are you feeling the pinch after Christmas? Do you have the January blues?

For many of us Christmas was a time of fun and extravagance, treating friends and family, celebrating in style, eating like Kings, however now we feel the effects and wonder was it worth it?

For me seeing the kids so excited to get the presents they most wanted was worth it but now I am trying to find ways to be a bit more frugal to claw back a bit if the overdraft!!

There are ways we can make savings and still not feel too hard done by, just by cost cutting here and there, making use of offers and promotional codes using sites like, looking out for vouchers in magazines and checking out supermarket deals, it all helps.

Here are a few ways I have been tightening the purse strings the last few weeks, not an easy task for me as I love my food, I love my wine, and I love getting out and about!

  • Ok so it may not be classed as a necessity but you ask any mum, and I am sure they will agree wine o clock is routine, part of the day, a lifesaver, what would we be without our wine!! So I checked out supermarket deals on my favourite brand and by buying a case of six saved over £10 and they will last the month.....I didn't say how many cases I bought.
  • I have been meal planning, as well as the old budget I am aware of the expanding waist line so good old meal planning is essential all round. Heading to the supermarket with a list and knowing what to buy makes it so much easier to pick up just what you need, instead of trying to meal plan in the aisles, 'ooh look that looks nice we could have that one night' - NO, stick to your list and be sure to save a few pounds and hopefully lose a few pounds! Shop without the children, always guaranteed to add to your shopping bill by taking them, beside the things to keep them quiet on the way round , there are the things they just cannot do without in their lunch box, and we just cannot say no.
  • Check out the sales for essential items that you need, it is so tempting to buy for the sake of buying in a sale but if you have something you need then can save a fair few quid.
  • Create free adventures - I am lucky to live in a beautiful part of the word and have incredible scenery on our doorstep, quite literally I step out of my door turn left and I am climbing a mountain, so use what is around you, explore, make up stories for the kids ( we have some amazing creatures living up the mountain), and of course it helps that old waistline too. 
  • Go online - search, compare, and look for money off codes. it is amazing what you can find by looking and searching a little, often these codes can give good discounts and offers so its worth that extra bit of time. 
  • Swap meals out for entertaining in the house, have friends round, cook if you are feeling brave enough, or do nibbles, always the best nights...and a bonus you can go without your make up and sit in your pyjamas!

So there we have it, a few ways to beat the January blues without a lunch date with the bank manager landing on your mat!!