Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Glamming up for Mums night out

Nights out are few and far between these days with two kids and limited childcare options so when we do, it is nice to make the effort and feel like the person before the kids arrived. To wear something that's not stretchy or black or has a kids dinner (or worse) smeared up the sleeve. To style your hair, and if you really push the boat out shave your legs!

School runs, work and family can all take our time up so very little time is left to pamper ourselves, we rush thought the morning routine, quick dash through the shower, blast of the hairdryer, and think yourself lucky if you get matching eye make up! anything more is a luxury and there is just no time for that.

I do like to get dressed up and put a bit of effort into how i look when i get a night out or even better a weekend away!! I try to get a hair appointment or at least put a colour through it to cover the tell tale signs of stress and motherhood, grey is just not a good look. A spray tan is always an instant improvement, who doesn't look better (slimmer) with a bit of a golden glow?

I have always been one for make up, i can spend hours and pounds at the beauty counter if i have the opportunity, i just feel naked without my make up, especially my eyes.

My lashes are quite pathetic! fine, short and really not good with out mascara, so for a special occasion i love to get some false eyelashes on and really make a statement with my eye make up. With so many styles, lengths and even colours to choose from now it is hard to get it wrong. If you buy a good quality kit you can get lashes that look as good as salon ones but saving yourself a few pounds!

As they say a happy mum makes happy kids so we all need a break every now and again without feeling guilty and to just be ourselves, not mum, not wife, not employee, just ourselves, so go and spoil yourself, take the time to pamper yourself and have a few luxuries, your worth it.