Monday, 26 June 2017

Microwaves #SoMuchMore

How often do you use your microwave? Is it just used to reheat food? If so then you could be missing out on some real time saving meal prep and cooking. Not to mention reducing the dreaded oven cleaning!! Win Win.

With today's technology and design microwaves can do so much more than just reheat, it can be a mini oven, grill and traditional microwave all in one! who needs the oven when you cook a whole meal in your microwave, less time, less cleaning, less stress.
Recently Tom Kitchin invites guests to London and cooked for 40 diners using only a microwave, much to the surprise of the diners when they found out. 
Take a look at the video below to see how he did it.

With a young family having a microwave is a must, especially when people eat at different times of the day, I cook for the kids and myself and sometimes end up keeping a meal for when Dad gets in from work late evening, it saves cooking from scratch for him so late at night but when he does have to it means he is able to do something quickly and easily using the microwave. Then there are the times everyone wants something different having a multi function microwave means it is easier to cook different things when previously the oven would be over worked and would have to cook in stages to fit it all in. Saving the best to last...
Microwave cup cakes..If you have not tried them you must....simple, quick and a sweet pudding almost instantly.

Check out local bookstores or online for some great cookery books especially for microwave meal ideas, there is some great inspiration in them for using your multi function microwave, it can change the way you cook to save some precious time for much more interesting things....... like sitting back with a glass of wine and relaxing while dinner takes care of itself.