Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Road trips do you #TestYourTreads

With the bank holiday weekend approaching how many people are planning on packing up and heading off to visit family, have a trip to the seaside or even heading off to find some peace and quiet away from the bank holiday hustle and bustle!

We pack our bags ensuring we have everything we need, we make sure the cats, dogs or fish are going to be looked after and fed but do we take the time to check the car, or do we assume it will all be fine! However think back to the last road trip you took, I bet you passed atleast one car at the side of the road or on the hard shoulder waiting for the recovery truck, now I know not all break downs are down to lack of car maintenance but I am sure many could be avoided with some simple checks.

If you are like me I check there is diesel in the car but that's about it! Luckily though I have people around that actually do think further than the petrol tank, checking the oil, water and tyres.
Tyre pressure and depth I am sure is something most of think very little about however having the correct tyre pressure and depth can ensure the car runs more effectively, better handling on the road and the car runs more efficiently...Saving money too! Incorrect tyre pressure can result in wear on inner or outer side of tyres so there is a need to replace them more often, not cheap! As well as wear and tyre and general under performance, under inflated tyres can also lead to blow outs which can have more serious consequences if it results in an accident or significant damage to your vehicle.

So next time you are getting ready for a road trip for peace of mind take a bit of time to go and check over the car, check your oil and water levels, check you have water in the screen wash, and check your tyre pressure, if you need a bit of help or are unsure how to check your tyres you can go along to somewhere like TyrePlus to get your tyres checked or replaced. You might just save your self a road side recovery or worse!