Friday, 1 September 2017

Cut The Cost of Your Energy Bills in 5 Simple Steps

Can you believe it, we are now in September? Before you know it the kids will be back to school and autumn weather will be upon us. Although it is a lovely season to embrace, it won’t be long until we’re thinking of putting your heating back on for the coming months. Along with that, is the cost of it all. It can easily get out of control if you let it. So how can you cut the costs of your energy bills, without compromising on staying warm? Here are a few tips and tricks that you could try this autumn and winter.
Consider Switching Your Provider
First of all, don’t bury your head in the sand about your provider and what contract type you have. Check what your deal is and if there is a contact length. If there isn’t, or you’re already out of it, then looking to switch is a really good idea; the savings can be pretty big. You could use an online tool like Selectra energy comparison to see what better deals you could be getting. Even better if you can lock yourself into a reduced rate for a set length of time. It won’t take long to check but could save you a lot.
Pay By Direct Debit
You can obviously pay for your bills in a variety of ways. But did you know that paying by direct debit is the better way to go, often saving you money? It means a set amount is taken out each month, but it is almost an indirect way of saving. You pay the same in winter as you do in summer, but your account will be credited, and you’ll have money saved. If you haven’t used as much energy as you’ve paid for, then you get it back in a lump sum. Monitoring your account online is a good way to go too.
Turn The Thermostat Down
You can still get your home warm even by turning your thermostat down just one degree. It means that the system doesn’t have to get as hot, which takes energy for it to do. It is better to have a lower steady temperature, rather than a super hot burst for an hour or so.
Wash on Cold
As with the energy that it takes to heat your heating system to a top temperature, it can take a lot of energy to heat the water in your house to nearly boiling point, in order for you to wash your clothes. But laundry companies are on top of it all now and have created products that will clean just as well on low temperatures. You still get clean clothes, but it costs a heck of a lot less to do so.
Draught Proof Your Home
Heat loss is one of the worst things in winter, as you are constantly heating your home by not reaping the benefit. If you have gaps in your door, then cover the gaps to avoid draughts. The same goes for windows and even internal doors. Tuck curtains into radiators by the window to stop heat escaping through the windows too.