Friday, 2 February 2018

Review and Competition for a Mini Hornit Lid

Getting the kids outside and active is essential for their health and well being, all too often life is so busy it is something that can be overlooked. I think we are all guilty of making the easy choice of something easy and something that will allow us to get on with the endless list of jobs and tasks we have to do, but this can often mean too much screen time for the kids, not a bad thing if it is an occasional occurence but when it is happening on a regular basis it will start to impact on their quality of life, including sleep patterns. We all know that exercise can help with getting good quality sleep.

Finding the time to get them out is a benefit to us too as i am sure that whilst tackling the endless to do list we end up neglecting our own health and well being, so getting active with the kids is a family thing for us and something we all feel the benefit from. We are lucky we have a very active boy who loves being outdoors and keeping active so it is not a battle to get him moving, the youngest however would much prefer a movie on the sofa under a warm blanket so she does need some encouragement.

Our favourite activity is getting the bikes out and blowing away the cobwebs with a family bike ride, we are really lucky to have some great cycle paths and routes on our doorstep so need to pack up the car if we don't want to.

Already the youngest is become fashion conscious and likes to look the part so she was really happy to receive a Mini Hornit Lid from Hornet, the helmets are cool, stylish and come in a range of fabulous designs for all tastes and personalities, which made persuading her to get out and on her bike a doddle! The minute she saw her polka dot helmet featuring a red bow design on it she wanted to get out and test it out, she said it was comfortable and a good fit, with the ventilation spaces ensuring she was not getting all sweaty underneath it. It was ideal having the LED feature to keep her insight at all times.

Mini Hornt Lids are super stylish and feature an integrated LED which can be set to flashing or constant so is ideal for the winter days riding home from school or riding over to friends houses at a weekend. you can check out the full range here.

Hornit not only stock these super cool lids for kids they also sell the Hornit dB140 and mini Hornit, which are cool bike horns, ensuring you are heard while out and about on your bike, Cyclist safety is put in the hands of the cyclist as the dB140 is the loudest cycle horn on the market, enabling them to alert and make drivers aware of there presence. The Mini Hornit is the world’s most fun accessory for children’s bikes and scooters and is fast becoming a craze in the UK, Europe, North America and Australia. It comes loaded with 25 sound effects from bells and trumpets to racing cars and animals, and has bright lights (white AND green!) for safety.

I am sure you would agree Cyclist safety is bought to you with some fun and stylish design features from Hornit. As well one of these amazing lids to review i have one to give away so for your chance to win simply enter below.

Mini Hornit Lid