Thursday, 18 August 2016

getting glam for holiday

Holiday is finally here and we are soo excited.. its the first time the kids will fly so they are really excited about going on an aeroplane, we have booked two window seats to save any arguing over who gets to sit there...good planning sis!!

Anyway I have been getting myself ready, which admittedly takes a bit more work these days!! I had some lovely samples from to try out on fingers and toes

These are surprisingly easy to put on, all you need is your hairdryer, heat the wrap apply to nail (previously cleaned with alcohol wipe), trim down and file off excess, then apply heat to wrap once on nail. In the past I have had nail extensions done and also have been known to do my own extensions, admittedly this is not a regular occurrence these days as two littlies take up most of the time and money!! this was so much easier and time effective.

Anyway on day 5 these are still looking good and not going anywhere anytime soon by looks of them, so all good. Will definitely be looking at the whole range to reorder more.

It goes without saying the old faithful hair dye has gone on and my lovely niece has tinted my brows so all in all I should be looking half decent, now to lose two stone overnight!!!!!