Saturday, 27 August 2016

The end is in sight

Well we are now down to our last week of the summer holidays, I am still standing and the kids haven't killed each other...yey, I can honestly say that it was much better than anticipated, largely down to sharing the load with family members who in my opinion need a medal for putting up with us!!!  The end of the holidays also means back to work for me, although I think I will be glad to get some routine back, even if that means swapping my kids for a dozen of other peoples!!

We returned from our week in Gran Canaria  the early hours of this morning, a week of 30 degrees to being greeted by wind and rain, a bit of a shock to the system, got to love the brittish weather

I must say the kids were amazingly well behaved while we were away and coped with the heat really well, we managed to get sun loungers right next to the pool so could dip in and out all day, and purchased loads of pool toys to keep them entertained, until day two that is when somebody's child had a poo in the pool (at least I hope it was a child!) so the pool was cleared and out of action for the rest of the day to undergo a deep clean. Being all inclusive there was endless amounts of pop, ice cream and snacks available all day long to keep little tummies happy, and not forgetting the cocktails to keep mummy happy, a win win situation. Now to start saving for the next holiday....a weeks cruise the eldest requests, expensive tastes!!!

This was the first time the kids had flown so we had a few wobbles from the eldest at take off but the youngest was in her element, whooping with delight as we had a very bouncy sharp landing, whilst most of us were gripping the arm rests she was laughing and claiming 'that was amazing' I do wonder about her a times

So what to do for the last week apart from battle through mountains of washing, we will head home to daddy as I am sure he has missed his little cherubs, and the nagging and the moaning and the to do lists from mummy!!! There are playdates promised and yet to happen so must try to fit those in and fingers crossed I might get a lie in or two.

I must plan eldests birthday, although his request is a party at the all you can eat Chinese restaurant, happy days. 

I will have a catch up with friends and most definetly a wine night possibly even two, well we are celebrating surviving the summer after all!!!!