Monday, 24 October 2016

Our half term holiday so far

Due to my super organised packing and getting everything ready to load up car in advance, our morning was pretty chilled,normally we hate each other before we even get out of the house... yey great start..that's a bonus.
The journey - also not so bad, surprisingly for a 6hr journey, the other half only ignored Sally satnav once...why oh why do men think they know better when time and again we end up lost going round in circles because the satnav wasn't going the way he thought it should and inevitably he is proven wrong!!!!!
Now usually after our early morning arguments trying to pack car combined by the satnav dramas i feel nothing but stress and the urge to punch him for being such a dick, but today he is safe.. So far so good....
We arrive at our destination and yey its all good, caravan clean and homely, site looks like it has alot to offer to entertain the darlings, as its now tea time we grab food and head to the show bar for kids time...........
At this point i start to get uncomfortable...don't get me wrong the millions of kids i can cope with ...its the other parents (scarred from past experiences in skegness!)))that make me hate these places with a passion!!!!
Now i am no snob honestly, but some of the sights are scary (even before Halloween fancy dress).
So its 6pm not full to bursting in there yet so we get a table easily and some drinks in, the kids go off to have a dance, ah not so bad, then the mum on the table in front starts shouting (actually no..screaming) at her partner about his jealousy over her friendliness towards their friend who i assume is there with his family too, now at this point all their kids are sat there and seemingly quite used to this behaviour as they don't bat an eyelid at the swear words being used. Its quite apparent she has been on the old vino for a while by the number of bottles lined up. Anyway the partner fair play gets his jacket and goes to avoid further verbal abuse and she proceeds to drape herself all over the said friend, now with death stares from his partner....ooh who needs an entertainment crew!!!
Our first full day we decide to go exploring the local area ...some lovely places to go and right with the darlings in tow within an hour we are back in the car after constantly hearing "I can't walk,my legs will drop off" "its not fair we always have to do what you want to do" "i am soooo bored" "i just want to go back"....ffs what a great time we are going to have....onto an hour of constant nagging for us to buy Halloween costumes for the party at kids club that night, so off we go and kit them out, only for the little shit to refuse to wear it to the bloody party!!!!!!!
Ooh i am looking forward to the rest of this week 😂😂😂😂