Friday, 6 January 2017

Review - Goldenberries, The new superfood for 2017

New Year and new diet and all that, every year we say the same thing and it barely lasts a week, so this year I am taking a different approach and trying to look at what I eat and make healthier choices as apposed to yet another diet that i know deep down just will not work or last!

My problem is snacking and eating on the go, many days I grab something pastry based for breakfast on the way to work just for convenience, often hungry again by mid morning so pick at the biscuits left over from Xmas, and this is how the day continues, Pick pick pick.

So it was quite exciting to be sent some sample products of the new sun-kissed south American Superfood for 2017 - Golden berries from Nature's Heart, hopefully I can use these to replace the bad choices i usually make and an added bonus the kids actually loved them. They were sweet and tangy and can be used to brighten up any breakfast, make a smoothie, use in baking or just as an alternative snack on their own.

Goldenberries (aka physalis) are bursting with vitality-boosting vitamins and minerals, and provide a pure and quick pick me up for anyone that may be looking to get back on track after a little over indulgence during the festive season. The berries offer an abundance of supernutrients to help the body and immune system function at their best during the winter months. 

100g of the hand-harvested dried fruit offers
71% of the RDA of vitamin A
60% of the RDA of potassium, more than two bananas
27% of the RDA of vitamin C
19% of the RDA of Iron
High in zinc and vitamin B1

The Nature's Heart range also includes:
Goldenberry & Chia Smoothie - first in the UK and no less than 10% of plant protien is packed into every bottle retail at £1.99, a great alternative to my usual breakfast on the go and tasted great
Raw Dried Cacao-covered Goldenberry, dusted in raw Criollo cacao from Peru, a natural energy boosting alternative to chocolate retail at £2.69, a real sweet treat and favourite with the kids, a great addition for their packed lunches or chocolate alternative at snack time
Goldenberry & Chia powder blend - add to smoothies, juices, baking and breakfasts for an extra boost of nutritional vitality. available from Ocado or Holland and Barrett at £14.99 for 500g
coming soon - Energising Goldenberry, Tumeric and coconut superpowder!!

Nature's Heart raw dried Goldeberries come in a handy resealable pouch to preserve freshness and make it easier to snack on the go. They are available nationwide at Waitrose and Ocado and retail at £2.59 for a 90g pouch

Nature's Heart is run by three brothers, born and raised in Ecuador, whose vision it is to share the goodness of Goldenberries with the world, today they grow, sell and ship across the globe. Helped by thousands of farmers that hand-harvest the crops to bring exceptional quality and a premium range Superfood to you.