Monday, 13 March 2017

Making Easter a little healthier, recipes and top tips

Some of still trying to get to grips with the healthy eating after Christmas, so the thought of Easter in a few weeks is a little worrying, all that chocolate, as well as trying to balance the treats and healthy eating for kids as they get so much at Easter is a bit scary.

I have got together with Discount Supplements who have put together some great recipes and tips for making some small changes for a healthier alternative but still creating some tasty treats and lots of fun for Easter.

Dark chocolate, High Protein

Low Sugar, but yummy

Low sugar and no Additives

Low sugar and contains protein

I think you will agree there some tasty recipes there that really will not feel like you are compromising at all, small changes can make all the difference, recipes like this really appeal to me as i do not feel like i am completely denying myself a treat just making some healthy changes. Here are some top tips from discount supplements to help you make Easter fun but while being health conscious.

  • Exchange non chocolate gifts- most of us receive chocolate gifts from family and friends at Easter. Whilst it isn't practical or tactful to tell everyone you meet to not give you chocolate, you could broach the subject with close family or friends. Let them know you are happy to return the favour by providing a gift that won't be bad for their health. Many stores are now catering towards Easter gift/ giving with egg or bunny themed toys, books, candles, keepsakes or clothing
  • Be active - Make exercise part of your Easter holiday or gathering and make it fun for everybody. Kids have a short attention span so keep it varied. Back yard cricket, football and basketball are a great way to burn off lunch.
  • Make sure you are getting your greens. Try and get green into every meal. Dark leafy greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli are great, as well as avocados for some essential fats.
  • If you absolutely have to eat chocolate - Don't go overboard. Use your self control and use it as your cheat treat. Dark chocolate (80% cocoa) is always a better choice than milky or white chocolate options. Don't let it break your mindset and take over your goals, moderation is the key.
  • Make Easter healthy for the whole family: One of the joys of having small children is to be able to hide Easter eggs throughout the garden for your little ones to find, but there is nothing that says all of these eggs need to be chocolate. Why not hide Easter themed toys or hand painted decorative eggs that you have prepared with the children earlier in the holidays? You could take the focus off chocolate by talking about the Easter bunny and the food he enjoys eating - Carrots, celery etc - and prepare a healthy 'bunny' snack for your kids to enjoy. Move the focus to fun egg based activities like an egg and spoon race or egg blowing and decorating. As long as you are spending time together and having fun, they won't feel as though they are missing out.
  • Go dark on chocolate: Not only are dark chocolate eggs (or bunnies) more flavoursome than regular chocolate, they are also healthier. Dark chocolate contains less kilojoules and is a source of polyphenols, which are good for our health and well being. 

Happy  Healthy Easter all